About Me
Hi, I'm Mark Simmons, the mind behind Heflin Games!  I've been playing board games for about as long as I can remember- I still fondly recall my first game of Monopoly and the many, many times I would comb the aisles of a thrift store or flea market looking for a vintage board game that I had never seen before.  With that love of playing games always came the inevitable experimentation- casting the rules aside and playing  a new game, and it was only natural for me to go from maing new rules for games I already had and exploring brand new games altogether.  Ideas for games like Cabinet come from this time.

IThen came college, and I discovered ways to playtest my games online, through Tabletop Simulator, and now through anyone who frantically scribbles down a copy of the stuff on this website- seriously, I don't mind, as long as you don't sell my ideas without asking first!  Speaking of which, for any playtesting questions, comments on the website, or anything else related to Heflin Games, feel free to contact me with the information below!

Good Game, everyone!